

John Neilan of tuesday coworking image © GP

5 Questions for John Neilan – tuesday coworking Space Manager

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6 November 2020 << deutsch unten >> As if the world doesn’t already offer up enough background noise in the...
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Hygiene Concept /
Health & Safety Policy

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Changes to tuesday coworking’s Health and Safety Policy to combat the spread of Covid-19 As a result of COVID-19 we...
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Hack Coworking

Hacking Your Coworking Membership

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A member came to me recently and asked if there was any way to have the members in the room...
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Podcast: The Origins & Future of tuesday coworking

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Back in June 2020, co-founder and owner of tuesday coworking, John Neilan, sat down for an interview with Tim Grandjean...
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Welcome Gio – Coworking in the Park – New Member Perk

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<< Deutsch unten >> Friday, 9 Oct. 2020 Hello everybody! It’s been an exciting month for tuesday coworking and we’re...
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Saying No to Racism and
Yes to Other Things

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<< DEUTSCH UNTEN >> In this post: Free consulting for those working (or thinking about working) in the creative industries A new member-initiated Self-Education...
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360° Virtual Tour of tuesday

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If you’re anything like me, you probably enjoy not having to do unnecessary things. Why go aaaaall the way to...
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New Community Manager &
Just 1 Team Office Left

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Today: We welcome our New Community Manager, Benedita! Behind the scenes at tuesday, just a peek Now just one team room available...
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Coworking Team Office for rent

4-person team/private office
available now!

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Are you looking for a private office that doesn’t cost the world, but is still flexible enough contractually and fully...
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tuesday coworking Ltd new logo for MoreThanADesk

What’s In A Name?
“tuesday… Ltd.”?

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(to know why we called tuesday “tuesday” in the first place, skip to the bottom) Things are afoot! Corona or...
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Zoom Room picture

Member Benefit:
Zoom Room

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No space at home? Not enough peace and quiet? Too many cats? If you’re looking for peaceful, productive, effective, hassle-free...
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(Cautiously) Reopening
Our Two Spaces

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Hello! We’re delighted to announce (with a degree of caution) that we’ll be reopening up our spaces to the general public...
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Get in touch

You have a question for tuesday coworking or want to book the meeting room? Send us a mail, we respond fast!