
Our Community

Why join tuesday coworking?
Our community!

Who coworks at tuesday? In general, we’ve got quite a variety of members, all working on their various projects. This keeps it interesting as you come into contact with (and learn from!) people who you might otherwise never meet.

“”Learn from”, you say?!”. “Learn from!”, we say! Our #formembersbymembers activities are growing by the week. Among others we have:

  • “This is how:” sessions, where members show what tools and hacks they use to make their work easier. Think “This is how Barbara uses Canva to create graphics” or “This is how Martin uses Notion” or “This is how David’s company uses Holacracy”, etc. These weekly quick-and-dirty 30-minute presentations are proving quite popular!
  • or how about Igor’s Night of Social Experimental Games
  • or perhaps Denise’s Crafts Club

All of these are hosted by tuesday members for tuesday members and really exemplify how, as a member, this is your coworking space rather than merely the coworking space from where you work.

In addition, we have our Thursday community lunch: Eating together on Thursdays at 12:30 pm at Belziger Strasse provides a good opportunity to get to know each other. Bring your own food and join us. It’s fun!

Community Events (by us): These have included Winter Cinema (previous series have been: “Hitoshi Matsumoto’s filmography”, the very meta “Films About Films” and “Driving Iran”). We put on a variety of workshops every now and then, and have had 11 exhibitions by local and not-so-local artists.

But for a moment, let’s just ignore our great community, relaxing, productive atmosphere, free meeting room access, free coffee, tea and printing. What else have we got?

Well how about this:

tuesday coworking has teamed up with the coworking visa team to provide our full members with access to different coworking spaces all over the world at no extra cost.

Not only that, we’ve also teamed up with a variety of companies through “included.co” to provide our coworkers with exclusive discounts on local and international services.

So, for example, if you feel like going bouldering near Südkreuz or want to get someone to write your code, then do it for less by becoming a member of tuesday and accessing our range of discounts.

If you want to come in, it’s best to arrange an appointment with us first. Just fill out our Berlin coworking Free Trial form here. We respond fast!

Get in touch

You have a question for tuesday coworking or want to book the meeting room? Send us a mail, we respond fast!