workshops, coworking, free movies and more

Good week to you! Here’s a quick rundown of what’s happening at tuesday coworking in the next couple of weeks:
jQuery workshop
Japanese Film 2/4: “Symbol”
Web App Crash Course
Japanese Film 3/4: “Saya Zamurai”
Monday, 20 March 2017 (6 PM): jQuery workshop with Jacopo (language of instruction: English) Our workshop instructor offers a comprehensive introduction to this open-source software. Over the course of three hours, you’ll get to grips with the basics of this cross-platform Javascript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. In detail you’ll learn about: “Selectors & Events Binding” and “Html Edit” with an example of how to build tab panels. Bring your laptop so you can install jQuery and code along during the session. For more details:, 21 March 2017 (8 PM) – free entry, free popcorn: Japanese Film Series, four films by Hitoshi Matsumoto Film 2: “Symbol” (Japanese with German subtitles) Described as “a cross between Cube, Being John Malkovich and 2001: A Space Odyssey”, Symbol promises to reach the same levels of weirdness as our previous Matsumoto encounter.

View the trailer and let us know if you’re coming: And for anyone who missed last week’s movie, Big Man Japan, it’s available on YouTube and well worth checking out:
Monday, 27 March 2017 (6 PM): Web App Crash Course (language of instruction: German) „In 140 Minuten lernst du die Fundamentals der Web Entwicklung kennen. Web Apps sind interaktive Sites mit vielen Funktionen wie z.B. Facebook und Gmail. In diesem Kurs geht es also nicht um Websites, die einfach nur Inhalte darstellen (wie die Website vom Restaurant, das seine Speisekarte online stellt). Vorkenntnisse brauchst du keine. Bring einen Laptop und viel Neugierde mit (und sei ausgeschlafen, wir werden ein rasantes Tempo fahren ;)). Am Ende des Kurses werden wir ein kleine Chat Web App erstellt haben und wissen, wie sie funktioniert.“ Hier anmelden:, 28 March 2017 (8 PM) – free entry: Japanese Film Series, four films by Hitoshi Matsumoto. Film 3: “Saya Zamurai” (Japanese with German subtitles) View the trailer here:
The photo exhibition “Underwater Seoul” by Matteo Rapella shall continue until 6 April, so if you haven’t seen it yet, come on over during our regular opening hours (9am-6pm, Mon.-Fri.). Also, if you’d like to book our

meeting room

, it’s still unbeatably good value. That’s everything, have a good week! tuesday