Happy Friday! Just a quick update to let you know what’s going on at
tuesday coworking in the next few weeks:
Coding workshop – Film evenings – Photo exhibition – Book exchange
A date has been set for the jQuery coding workshop. Monday, 20 March. Don’t know what jQuery is? Then find out here
. We’re also starting a new film series! Every Tuesday for four weeks we’ll be showing a film by Japanese film director Hitoshi Matsumoto in our
meeting room
. They’re all quite odd, so bring your sense of crazy along with you. And what better to sate that same sense of crazy than popcorn! Without asking and without explanation, a company in Kreuzberg sent us a box full of popcorn. Thanks, "Wildkorn"! Free entry (donations welcome), free popcorn! 8pm, Tuesdays at tuesday. First film:
Big Man Japan! (let us know if you’re coming)
The photo exhibition “Underwater Seoul” by Matteo Rapella shall continue until 6 April, so if you haven’t seen it yet, come on over during our regular opening hours (9am-6pm, Mon.-Fri.). We’re operating a book exchange now too, along the lines of “bring a book (or three), take a book”. Feel free to donate’n’take! So that’s it for now. If you’d like to book our
meeting room
, it’s still unbeatably good value. Best, John