Hello!tuesday coworking needs your help! Remember how we harnessed people power (that’s you!) to win the Twago Best Coworking Space in Berlin back in 2016, even though we hadn’t even been open for a year at that stage? No? Well, we did. Here’s an auf Deutsch reminder. Fast-forward to now and little wee tuesday has been nominated once again for the Best Coworking Space in Berlin Award! This time by coworker.com. Your greatly appreciated vote would help us compete against the big boys, so if you can spare a minute, our eternal gratitude, she is yours:https://www.wishpond.com/lp/2286312/entries/170961340/reference Apparently, a favourable review of tuesday on their site also goes some way to securing the award, but I agree, that’s too much to ask…. isn’t it? Yes. Yes, it is. —————–Coming up at tuesday:
Japanese class (in English – EN) starting next Monday, 12 February from 6 pm: 12 basic Japanese lessons, every Monday, each 1.5 hours-long, costing just €35 (in total, not per session)! We need a minimum of four people to have a class, so if you’re interested, go to: https://www.speak.social/en/info/10/ and sign up. I have. Now you can too! 😛 —————–
Grow your own vegetables workshops!
(in German – DE) March – May 2018
Susanne Treis (Dipl. Ing. agr.) will be hosting seminars at tuesday on how to grow your own vegetables at home on your balcony or in your garden (if you’re lucky enough to have one). There are a variety of seminars to choose from, for beginners or advanced gardeners, and Susanne will be able to answer all your questions like:
Was muss ich beim Gärtnern am Balkon beachten?Welche Pflanzgefäße, Substrate, biologischen Düngemittel, etc. eignen sich für einen Balkongarten mit Vielfalt?Wie kombiniere ich Obst, Gemüse, Kräuter und Blumen sinnvoll?Was wächst gut in meinem Garten?Wie verwendet man die verschiedenen Vliese, ist Kompostherstellung für mich sinnvoll oder soll ich meine Beete mulchen, was ist Mischkultur?
View and sign up for the different seminars at www.oleastro.de/seminare/ Mention tuesday coworking when you register and get a 10% discount! —————–
Thanks also to everyone who came to Helene Söhr’s opening exhibition last Thursday. Quite a few visitors and five pieces sold! If you would like to view Helene’s art, it will be on display at tuesday for another six weeks and we will be having a finissage on Thursday, 15 March from 6-9 pm. —————–Reminder: Our meeting room is available for bookings by the hour and is still great value. Hold your classes, have your private meetings, take your Skype calls, put on screenings, it’s all possible. Simply get in touch with us! info@tuesdaycoworking.com or +49 (0)30 6449 7772. That’s all for now! Have a great week! John