Tuesdays at 8 pm at tuesday coworking. Free admission (donations welcome). //// Japanische Filmreihe – 4 Filme von Hitoshi Matsumoto in 4 Wochen. Dienstags um 20 Uhr bei tuesday coworking. Eintritt frei (Spenden gern angenommen). We kick things off with:
14.03.2017: Big Man Japan – Japanese with English subtitles The Big Man is Masaru Daisato, an otherwise normal Japanese citizen except for an inherited ability to grow to a height of approximately 30 meters in response to the application of high voltage electricity. Indeed. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRny1wok0Ao Let us know if you’re coming: https://www.facebook.com/events/225762454554997/
_____________________ Coming up: 21.03.2017: Symbol (Japanese with German subtitles) 28.03.2017: Saya Zamurai (Japanese with German subtitles) 04.04.2017: R100 (Japanese with English subtitles)www.tuesdaycoworking.com