In this workshop Jill & Julia of Bear Radio explore what it takes to record and edit a good podcast and how to find a sound that is truly yours.
Participants will learn how to incorporate sound into their audio stories, how to use a Zoom audio kit, how to capture the perfect audio, as well as acquire the basic skills of cutting and editing a multi-track podcast in Bear Radio’s favorite editing software, Hindenburg.
Together we will take your podcast from just an idea to something tangible.
Duration: 240 minutes
Required Experience: None
Maximum Capacity: 15 pax
Date: Sunday, 8 December 2019
Location: tuesday coworking, Belziger Str. 69/71, 10823 Berlin
Time: 11h00 – 15h00
Cost: 25 Euro Per Person, pay cash at the door. While the event says “free,” this is just a limitation of Eventbrite in that you can’t put a cash payment on the platform. The price includes: Training and instruction, equipment rental costs, a three month Hindenburg editing software license, and of course coffee!
Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workshop-podcast-recording-editing-basics-tickets-82840898357
Note: Please do NOT register if you don’t actually plan on coming to the event. Having the correct amount of registrations helps us determine how many audio kits to rent. Thanks! 🙂
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!