Community Event: The Discussion Experiment (EN)

Next experimental Discussion | 11 July – 7pm

▷ How do we unlearn racist thought patterns? – with Gilda Sahebi

You are invited to a new experimental discussion in which we address the important question of how we can overcome racist thought patterns. In this session we’ll first discuss with each other before discussing our thoughts and questions with writer and journalist Gilda Sahebi.

In her new book, “Wie wir uns Rassismus beibringen” (How We Learn Racism), Gilda Sahebi argues: We all have racist thought patterns.

Alongside a lot of praise and good reviews, Gilda experiences plenty of resistance for speaking out about racism – “you’re exaggerating,” “you’re too sensitive,” up to comments like “go back to where you came from.”

But Gilda is determined to overcome the taboo of calling statements and structures racist, as we must be able to recognise and name (our own) racism in order to eliminate it.

In our experimental discussion with Gilda, we want to think constructively and look ahead: What do we (individually and as a society) need to do to overcome our racist thought patterns, and what is holding us back from doing so?

This event is organised by The Discussion Experiment of our member Igor Don and by Inspiring Minds by Karoline Rütter.
>> Learn more and reserve your seat here.

We look forward to an inspiring and insightful evening with Gilda and you!