In our latest “This is How” session, join Chris, an expert in helping people actually enjoy group meetings!
So often, we hear people say:
“I feel like I’m not contributing – will this reflect badly on me?”
“Why does that one person always take over the discussion?”
“I have so much ‘real’ work to do, I really can’t be bothered with this meeting…”
“I can’t believe that meeting has turned into another meeting!”
Chris wants to offer us a free community event where we discuss group dynamics, simply asking people what their biggest problems, issues, and fears are about engaging in team meetings. He then tries his best to give advice on how to cope with that.
“I want to show them that group discussions are misunderstood, undervalued and are actually fairly complex. And because of this, meetings tend to be inefficient, ineffective and terribly frustrating.”
If you have the time, we’d love you to join a 45-minute event, for free, that help you finally overcome some very common problems we find in the workplace every single day.
This is your facilitator, Chris Davis:
The “This is How:” sessions are a #bymembersformembers event exclusively for tuesday coworking members, hosted by tuesday coworkers and facilitated by tuesday coworking.
Interested in what else you could learn at tuesday? Why not sign up for a free trial day!